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Image Mask Editor: AI-powered photo editing, no skills needed. Claude 3.5 Haiku: Advanced AI for coding and more. Enhanced API service: Versatile chat models for various uses.
Simplify your image editing with our Object Remover, effortlessly removing unwanted elements. Enhance your document analysis with Multi Doc Chat’s expanded file support for xls, xlsx, and pptx.
Improved AI image editing, expanded Mistral AI models, and enhanced equation, table formatting.
AI result sharing for team collaboration is now accessible to all users. Share results with your team, specific members, or everyone on 1minAI.
AI image generator Flux 1.1 Pro is now available on 1minAI. Multi Doc Chat supports more file types. GPT-4o model is cheaper for input and output tokens.
1minAI API, 4x image upscaling, prompt integration, faster chat interaction, and 50MB file uploads.